
Ram Navami Festival 2024

Ram Navami

As the days will lengthen in spring, India will celebrate one of its most auspicious festivals in 2024, Ram Navami, dedicated to the highly revered and idolized Hindu deity Lord Rama. On this auspicious day, you will find yourself amid great happiness and joy, doesn't matter which part of India you are in. This is because it is the day when the beloved Lord of Hindus, Lord Ram was born.

Lord Ram, also praised by the name Shri Ramchandra, is one of the significant deities in the Hindu religion. He is idolized by Hindus for never compromising his dignity and dharma which is the reason for Lord Ram's byname Maryada Purushottam, which means “the supreme personality”.

According to the Hindu calendar, the day of Lord Ram's birth is observed on the ninth day of the first Hindu month, Chaitra, every year. However, this date differs each year in the Gregorian calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, the celebration of Ram Navami in 2024 will be held on the 17th of April. Devotees all over the country practice fasting on this day to get blessings from Lord Ram and also indulge in many spiritual and religious practices.

Ram Navami festival has gradually gained more attraction and involvement by people not only in India but foreign tourists. Moreover, Ram Navami celebration in Ayodhya in 2024 is going to be a major event. So, here is everything you need to know about this festival.

Why is Ram Navami Celebrated?

Ayoydhaya Ram Lala

Ram Navami marks the day when Lord Ram, the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born. The day is celebrated in different ways with great zeal in every corner of India. However, it is not just the revered status of Ram that makes the devotees celebrate the day. As from the description of Lord Ram in the ancient Hindu scriptures, people also respect Lord Ram for the life of righteousness he had lived. Lord Ram was an embodiment of a perfect character who had an unwavering devotion to his family, a sense of duty, and a commitment to uphold dharma throughout his life.

The story of Lord Ram in the ancient Hindu epic Ramayan narrates him as an ideal king and human being who never let his beloved countrymen or anyone suffer. Thus, In the history of Hinduism, Ram Navami is also celebrated to remember the noble qualities of Lord Ram and promote the application of good conduct and virtue in one's life.

Ram Navami Festival Date 2024

The date of the Ram Navami Festival in 2024 will be the 17th of April.

History of Lord Ram and Ram Navami

Ayodhya Ram Lala

The story of Lord Ram and Ram Navami is as old as the hills and a significant part of Hindu devotees. Lord Ram was believed to have been born on the ninth day of the lunar month of Chaitra in the Hindu calendar. This day has been celebrated as a festival for centuries. Also, the name Ram Navami translates to “Ram's Ninth day” where Navami means the ninth day in Sanskrit.

According to the mythological scriptures and beliefs, Lord Ram is the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who appeared in the era of Hinduism named Treta Yug. He was the eldest son of King Dashrath of Ayodhya. King Dashrath had three queens named Kaushaleya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi. After a long time when his queens were unable to conceive, King Dashrath performed Putrameshti Hawan suggested by Sage Vashistha. King Dashrath was blessed with four boys. Kaushalya gave birth to Lord Ram, Kaikeyi to Bharath, and Sumitra to Lakshman and Shatrughan. The day is a significant festival and has been celebrated by people throughout the country irrespective of their caste and status. As Lord Ram is one of the principal deities in Hinduism, Ram Navami has become one of the five major festivals in the country. Even many states in India grant public holidays on this day. However, being the birthplace of lord Ram, Ram Navami festival celebration in Ayodhya observes the greatest pomp and love. Devotees observe fasts, visit temples, and seek the blessings of Lord Ram on the day.

Significance of Ram Navami

Significance of Ram Navami

Celebrating the birth of Lord Ram holds even greater meaning when we understand the true significance of Ram Navami. Lord Ram is one of the most influential deities in Hinduism. He is not just a deity with high reverence but a possessor of 16 different qualities mentioned in the ancient scripture, like he is virtuous, a religious person, grateful, truthful, a conqueror of anger, determined, and ten others. According to mythology, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Rama on the day of Ram Navami to destroy unrighteousness, end the atrocities of a demon named Ravan, and establish dharma.

The day of Ram Navami holds great significance as it represents the ultimate victory of good over evil. The day strengthens the message of vanquishing negativity and celebrates the potential for positive change within ourselves and the world.

Rituals and Festivities: How is Ram Navami Celebrated?

Ayodhya Ram Navami Festival

The day of Ram Navami is celebrated throughout India. The rituals and customs followed in different corners of the country may be slightly different, yet the core rituals of Ram Navami remain the same.

Devotees observe fast on Ram Navami to seek blessings of Shri Ram. Some devotees choose to do a full-day fast with no water, called Nirjal Vrat, while others choose to consume fruits but no grains while on the fast. Usually, the fast is continued till the evening.

Devotees perform puja at different times of the day which includes special rituals and offering things like flowers, milk, and other sacred items at Lord Ram's idol at home or at temples. A morning and an evening aarti is performed by lighting a clay oil lamp with ghee and chanting holy hymns to Lord Ram.

Many devotees organize a Bhajan and Kirtan ceremony in which devotional songs are continuously sung throughout the day.

In many places, a Ram Katha, the story of Lord Ram, is recited to the masses which includes many interesting tales and lessons for people

Ram Navami Celebration in Ayodhya

Ram Navami Celebrations in Ayodhya

Ayodhya is the birth place of Lord Ram thus observes the most celebrated day on Ram Navami than anywhere in the country. A grand chariot procession is hosted in the streets of Ayodhya with the idol of Lord Ram in their child avatar. Although every year, Ram Navami is greatly celebrated in Ayodhay, 2024 will be significantly important and worth watching. This is because it will be the first celebration of Ram Navami in the newly inaugurated Ram Janmabhoomi Temple in Ayodhya. The state is also prepared for massive celebrations in the Temple. Also, the temple authority has announced that Ayodhya's Ram mandir will remain open 24/7 on the day of Ram Navami and the neighboring days. This is to ensure the darshan of Ramlalla to every devotee in the festival. Devotees can also witness the special rituals that will be performed on the day.

What to Imbibe from Ram Navami?

What to Imbibe from Ram Navami

As we celebrate the birth of lord Ram on Ram Navami in 2024, let us emulate, some if not all, his qualities in our daily life. Lord Ram pursued their dharma (duty) at all times, they showed courage in their difficult times, devoted life to family and friends, were spiritual and showed forgiveness in spite of receiving harm. While celebrating Ram Navami, one can integrate these strong moral principles into themselves and lead a purposeful and fulfilling life.

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